Tara Millgrove
90Friends 66Fans
female Second life
AKA Thoria, or Tho.
3rd Rock Grid technogeek
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago 3
a woman bumped my car from behind at a traffic light, and then had the nerve to ask why I backed into her.
Tara Millgrove wonders
12 years ago 1
if Viagra spam from someone named Chastity counts as irony?
Tara Millgrove thinks
12 years ago 5
"I have went" is becoming more common, even with otherwise well educated people.
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
3rd Rock Grid upgraded last night to OpenSim 0.7.2 plus our own improvements, especially to chat. Thanks to our brilliant Crystal Rock!
Tara Millgrove is
12 years ago 1
very, very unhappy with support from HostGator today. X-(
Tara Millgrove has
12 years ago 3
filed her federal and state income tax forms, and can now claim moral superiority to those who have not yet done so. :-P
Tara Millgrove is
12 years ago
having "fun" with hosting tech support. (doh)
Tara Millgrove
12 years ago 2
suggests to her American compatriots that, given that only the US, the Caymans, and Belize use the Fahrenheit scale ...
Tara Millgrove thinks
12 years ago 4
the sudden push by the domain registries for .co is a cynical attempt to get people to buy their domain yet again. .com, .biz, .info, .dot …
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago 1
no wardrobe failure, but MIA giving the finger. Classy.