Tara Millgrove
90Friends 66Fans
female Second life
AKA Thoria, or Tho.
3rd Rock Grid technogeek
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Tara Millgrove says
11 years ago
Tiny Tiny RSS up and running! 8-) Pull the Google Reader rug out from under me, will you. (nottalking)
Tara Millgrove says
11 years ago 4
almost exactly a year since I last checked Plurk; I see it's still here, still pretty much the same. (thinking)
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
one of my coworkers got hit by a car :-o Waiting to hear how badly hurt he is. :'-(
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago 2
Ray Bradbury died? (tears)
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago 4
Dragon is in the water. Woot (woot)
Tara Millgrove is
12 years ago 4
at that stage in proposal writing where I've sent it off for review, and am waiting nervously,
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago 2
dear recruiters, what part of "only interested in permanent positions" makes you think I want to take a two month contract ...
Tara Millgrove has
12 years ago
coffee from beans bought at her new favourite coffee roasters.
Tara Millgrove says
12 years ago
helicopter and jet fighter noises all night long. I guess that's the G-8.
Tara Millgrove wonders
12 years ago 3
why political extremists of all sorts seem unable to spell. (thinking)