Audra McMahon
216Friends 89Fans
female Martinsburg, WV, United States
4 years old on Audra. I'm a neverland Scout!
Audra McMahon
7 years ago
anyone know anything about the EGGZ hunt? What all stores? LMs? NC? anything? none of the posters about it are clickable for info
Audra McMahon
7 years ago
Ok who has a yardsale?
Audra McMahon
7 years ago
In 3 months I will be a resident of Maine! :-D
Audra McMahon is
7 years ago 3
there no Plurk Yardsale List?
Audra McMahon
8 years ago
Damn you steam sale! gives up 35 dollars
Audra McMahon is
8 years ago 3
there a list somewhere of Advents? I already know of Buglets, Kittycats, Circa, Spronkwings, Abranimations, Vicarious, Spaztastik/Zealots, & Little Sparrow
Audra McMahon
8 years ago
Audra Graves - Rare wants/haves - Google Docs thing I want vs. things I will trade or Sell
Audra McMahon
8 years ago
so far the only common factor between what eat and when I break out into hives is nuts. - I hope I am wrong
Audra McMahon
8 years ago 7
ended up at the ER this morning with hives that were just getting worse over the course of 2 days. (nothing was working) after some disgusting meds (that I have to take for 5 days) I am doing somewhat better
Audra McMahon
8 years ago 4
Hey! I will trade any of the following RARES (see comments) for a Boogers UrnerWherl Bermerd