10Friends 4Fans
male Singapore
TheNamelessOne says
16 years ago 4
who wants to see a disturbing video? Any takers for a pretty disgusting vid? Anyone?!
TheNamelessOne says
16 years ago
another farewell party this friday?! ughhhhhh....okay if you insist.
TheNamelessOne says
16 years ago
good bye les bleu and hello les rouge
TheNamelessOne is
16 years ago
8.5hrs from going home.
TheNamelessOne is
16 years ago
thinking how great it would be to coast along all through life. Joining and quitting companies from now till 50!
TheNamelessOne is
16 years ago
facebooking and waiting for the weekend to arrive.
TheNamelessOne is
16 years ago 3
off to cafe del mar for drinks, food & merriment.
TheNamelessOne is
16 years ago 1
sorry for passing on his flu bug to spacebar.
TheNamelessOne is
16 years ago 6
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)