18Friends 47Fans
male Manhattan, KS, United States
You may be a dreamer, but I'm The Dreamer, the definite article you might say!

Recently getting into Ham Radio again -- W0LKC

TheDreamer says
15 years ago
morning, why am I still using plurk?
TheDreamer says
15 years ago
morning....why isn't it Friday yet?
TheDreamer is
15 years ago
feeling full, but should probably go to sleep.
TheDreamer says
15 years ago
morning....still having trouble getting to sleep, slept in this morning. I hate time changes.
TheDreamer has
15 years ago
just ordered from Gumby's Pizza on Campusfood #fb Had to use that $10 coupon ;D
TheDreamer says
15 years ago
morning, bad insomnia both in the fall asleep and stay asleep kind last night. Gonna be a Monday! #fb
TheDreamer feels
15 years ago
sick, think he's over done it...guess grocery shopping on pi day wasn't so wise :-D
TheDreamer needs
15 years ago
to do groceries, but finding it hard to get motivated to do it. Probably because I'm thinking I might start working on taxes when I get back
TheDreamer thinks
15 years ago
he got all the clocks moved forward, later he'll test the smoke alarms.
TheDreamer says
15 years ago
morning, I'm missing an hour... kind of... sort of... maybe... guess I'll go walk around and update clocks.