28Friends 9Fans
female Columbia Cross Roads, PA, United States
12 years ago
totally cried in the movie theater at the Hobbit preview.
TeslaTripsa says
12 years ago 6
this school year I vow not to eat fast food for dinner on busy nights (soccer, karate, etc) I think me and my crock pot will be good friends
TeslaTripsa says
12 years ago 4
the husband apparently has a bit of a galoshes fetish. When I tried them on in the store he burst out singing "Roxanne"
TeslaTripsa says
12 years ago 4
This is horrible, but I can't help but laugh when I look at the picture. Restoration amateur ruins fresco
12 years ago
finally watched the opening ceremony. I cried. A few times. And the soot and smokestacks were glorious. Also Mr Bean.
12 years ago 4
This is the best thing ever Take On Me - Doctor WhoTake On Me - Doctor Who
12 years ago
just bought the Game of Thrones soundtrack. Hopefully I don't accidentally behead someone...
TeslaTripsa says
12 years ago 7
aaaaalmost done with my house. First time building a place that's JUST for me, no shops attached. Kinda splurged on the details.
TeslaTripsa says
13 years ago 5
things found while cleaning out the dog bed: 2 pairs of underwear, one sock, a hat, 4 noses (he chews them off stuffed animals) a cat toy..
13 years ago
Crush on HR girl continues