43Friends 13Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
facebook : [email protected]
twitter : taqiyyamaryam
Taqiyya says
13 years ago
Then you come and tell your fuc**ing secret ? I can't imagine it. It's a conspiration. You're exploding my head, destroying myself.
Taqiyya says
13 years ago
You've got me down, you've got me worse, there was no chance, no idea.
Taqiyya says
13 years ago
Really hate this kind of situation, wanna run away.
Taqiyya thinks
13 years ago
Just wondering what's the next God's plan?
Taqiyya thinks
13 years ago
Insomnia :-&
Taqiyya thinks
13 years ago
LIAR! This one half year, you've wasted my time!
Taqiyya says
13 years ago
Wuaah..., akhirnya baru buka plurk lagi.
Taqiyya says
14 years ago
Plurk! Long time no see...
Taqiyya says
14 years ago
Banyak alasan = Jauh dari sukses
Taqiyya says
14 years ago
UN dan US itu sungguh teramat kejam. Sama kejamnya dengan anda.