5Friends 7Fans
male Kinugasa, Japan
TakumiSaito wishes
14 years ago 9
Dom will find I can buy Facebook,too.if he wants after the small airforce company
TakumiSaito wonders
14 years ago 3
Will someone show the right answer such as the last Q?
TakumiSaito asks
14 years ago 9
Guess 3&5,who kiss the other first(I know the answer!!!)
TakumiSaito asks
14 years ago 6
so where will be the place 5&8 first dating with each other?
TakumiSaito thinks
14 years ago 4
Eames must kiss somebody else
TakumiSaito thinks
14 years ago 10
Arthur Callahan shouldn't let his friends worried much about him.
TakumiSaito says
14 years ago 1
I buy Plurk (woot)