15Friends 63Fans
female Paso Robles, CA, United States
Psychiatric Technician at Atascadero State Hospital!
Maximum Security, Forensic, Mental Hospital
Loving Daughter, and Loving Big Sister... :')
TChamp loves
12 years ago 2
I will be spending my Birthday with My Daddy this year! (dance_bzz)
TChamp says
12 years ago 9
Good Morning to All my Plurk Friends! (cozy) (highfive)
TChamp says
12 years ago 6
R.I.P. Amber
TChamp says
12 years ago 6
My little Amber has hurt her back again! This time is not looking good! (sick)
TChamp says
12 years ago 2
Lunch time! How is everyone? (wave)
TChamp says
13 years ago 3
TChamp says
13 years ago 8
Hey everyone, just walked in the 24 hour relay for life to fight cancer!
TChamp shares
13 years ago 5
I'm sorry i haven't talk to you all in a while just worken to much! So how are ya?
TChamp shares
13 years ago 3
Well Hello! I have gotten back into the overtime mode at work, how has everyone been?
TChamp shares
13 years ago 8
Hey everyone. I'm soooo tired, i worked 44 hours in 3 days! ;-)