86Friends 13Fans
female Wichita, KS, United States
I am a computer teacher at a Catholic Elementary School in Wichita, KS. I love my job. I'm married to my best friend and have 5 children of my own from high school to toddler.
SusieK says
13 years ago 3
let's dance. It's FRIIIIDDDDAAAAYYYY (and it's the last Friday of the school year)! (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance)
SusieK says
13 years ago
night of possible storms begins...
SusieK says
13 years ago 3
the students are noisy and can't follow simple directions. It must be the end of the year. That or I am failing miserably as a teacher.
SusieK wishes
13 years ago 1
I could spend all my summer going to Podstock, ilearn, and all the other great education programs in Kansas.
SusieK says
13 years ago 2
good morning! 1 week from today will be the kids last day. Wow! This year has gone too fast!
SusieK says
13 years ago
we found out today that our associate pastor is being moved to one of the high schools. We will miss him.
SusieK hopes
13 years ago
DD has a great trip to Wisconsin with her team to compete in National Science Olympiad. 5 days are a long time w/out my 6th grader.
SusieK asks
13 years ago 3
are any of your schools going to switch to the new Microsoft licensing program similar to what they do at the university?
SusieK asks
13 years ago
are we doing the summer read? I haven't heard anymore since I voted.
SusieK says
13 years ago 1
Good morning! (wave)