86Friends 13Fans
female Wichita, KS, United States
I am a computer teacher at a Catholic Elementary School in Wichita, KS. I love my job. I'm married to my best friend and have 5 children of my own from high school to toddler.
SusieK says
13 years ago 1
I'm freezing my Karma. I just don't have time to Plurk everyday during the summer. I will still check in and read and learn!
SusieK wishes
13 years ago 2
everyone an awesome day. Also, wishing I was icil. Maybe next year.
SusieK says
13 years ago 1
son selling Xbox 360 in order to get money to buy a laptop. Glad to see it go. Wants a laptop to use for debate.
SusieK says
13 years ago
week 2, day 2 of couch to 5K. Not to bad. Looked ahead to week 3 and got a little scared... (unsure)
SusieK says
13 years ago 1
Happy Friday, ya'll!
SusieK says
13 years ago
just ruined my couch to 5K run from this morning. Helping DD3 practice making cookies for the fair. Cookie dough is bad:-(
SusieK says
13 years ago 1
Have a super Thursday afternoon!
SusieK says
13 years ago 1
thanks honeymic for mentioning Couch to 5K yesterday. It was the motivation I needed to get back out there this morning. Feeling AWESOME:-)
SusieK says
13 years ago
good night! (sleeping)
SusieK says
13 years ago
it's hard to plurk in summer! Too many other things happening!