連刪除什麼都不告知使用者,fb覺得自己的評斷就是一定是正確的嗎?在民主國家做共產專制的事? They don’t even inform users of the deletion. Does FB think that its judgment must be correct? Doing the things of a communist dictatorship in a democratic country?
在戰爭與屈辱面前,你選擇了屈辱!可是,屈辱過後,你仍得面對戰爭! (邱吉爾批評張伯倫的「綏靖」政策時講) Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonour. They chose dishonour. They will have war.
謝謝民主陣營的支持,希望面對中共強權的打壓,台灣能不寂寞! Thank you for the support of the democratic camp, I hope Taiwan will not be lonely in the face of the oppression of the CCP!