A SL character - A RL person and a RL passion for almost everything ! lookwhathecatbrought.blogspot.com/ I blog, I love it and to take pictures too, discover and meet new people too ! Hugs ^-^
Don't you love it when some people (at work) think they're allowed to make ALL kind of jokes on you, even when it makes you uncomfortable in front of your boss, but the moment you "fight back" with the same "weapons" it's not fun....
OK guys... I need your suggestions for a Christmas-like name. You all found some funny ones and I'm stuck with Maery-lenn (mix of merry Christmas and Maelenn)
Dang. I go out this evening, to do a cooking class (chocolate actually!) and all I can think about right now is how much I am missing and going to miss my daughter.
Proud like a parent! So... We started potty training on Sunday and I was really really worried about it. But it seems she was ready for it and it is going super well.