5 years ago
I'm so disgusted...
latest #6
5 years ago
The other day i was driving my daughter back from a medical appointment and the traffic was crazy, like bumper to bumper. I managed to get in a (small) roundabout after waiting ages to get a safe opportunity to do so but then another car rushed before me so i ended stop inside.
5 years ago
Like many other cars actually. But a guy coming after me got upset and started being agressive. Guess what... this a#### was a policeman off-duty apparently and he put me down for not 1 but 2 fines and 7 points knocked-off from my driving licence.
I'm SO disgusted
That ain’t right. I’d fight it if I was you.
5 years ago
starfiresilverstar: I'll try but I never faced this kind of situation before so I'm quite scared
My friend got rear ended at a red light by a squad car and the cop tried to say it was my friend’s fault. He’s fighting that in court but he’s right to do so.
Too many times (such as this) they overuse their power and it gives cops a bad name and makes for bad cops. If we don’t stand up who will?
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