64Friends 28Fans
female NV, United States
A life well-lived is the best revenge.
9 years ago 1
Leap Monday didn't turn out too bad. Get to turn the calendar pages tonight and start a fresh new month, too. :-)
9 years ago 2
Fourteen hours at my computer punctuated with short breaks to eat and do laundry. What a day. Hubby went to bed about ten pm and I'm still awake at 1:00 in the morning.
9 years ago 1
The end of a long work week in more ways than one. Busy at the day job - and then long evenings at home working on a manuscript that's due to my 'boss' on Monday. :-)
9 years ago 2
Life continues to be busy as February winds down. The good news is that I have a vacation trip to Arizona for spring training coming up in a couple weeks. :-)
9 years ago 2
After the big windstorm we had here last week, a lot of trees are being taken down because they were found to be diseased...including three evergreens next to the office where I work.
9 years ago 1
9 years ago 2
A quiet Monday at work is a good thing. :-)
9 years ago 2
Spent my entire weekend at the computer. I've got a deadline a week from tomorrow and needed to get in some serious writing time. Almost 17,000 words in two days...and I'm beat.
9 years ago 2
We've had an interesting 24 hours weather-wise: rain last night, about six inches of heavy, wet snow this morning, and sunshine/warmth this afternoon. Whew!
Boomerette is
9 years ago
having my usual Wednesday night veg session. I'm not sure what it is about mid-week, but I'm always exhausted when I get home from work.