64Friends 28Fans
female NV, United States
A life well-lived is the best revenge.
8 years ago
Just flew home from Ireland and boy are my arms tired (the rest of me, too). But seriously, we had a great time and did a lot of fun exploring. I even kissed the Blarney Stone. :-D
8 years ago 2
Though I didn't feel like exercising, I spent about an hour on the treadmill. I haven't been taking my walk breaks at work because I'm waiting for IT to replace my dead computer...
8 years ago 1
The end of another not-so-relaxing weekend. Only one more before we head off to Ireland a week from Wednesday. :-)
8 years ago 1
Haven't felt much like being on the home computer for a few days, but I'm still around. (wave)
8 years ago 3
Quiet times here for the moment. Just trying to get as much work as possible done before heading off on an Irish vacation in three weeks. :-)
8 years ago 1
After another busy weekend and a workday Monday, I'm relaxing to rest up for the rest of the week. :-)
8 years ago 2
Baseball game tomorrow night (unless we're rained out) and then sleepover with oldest grandson on Saturday night. I'm going to be tired on Monday again. :-)
8 years ago 2
Been sick in bed since Sunday afternoon, but I'm finally able to do some housework. Going back to work tomorrow.
8 years ago 1
Busy times at work lead to no energy in the evenings. However, the days are getting longer and we're going to see our local baseball team next Friday night. :-)
8 years ago 2
Spent a majority of my day at work alone in the office. Two of my co-workers are on vacation and the third is only half-time. What a long day... (morning)