64Friends 28Fans
female NV, United States
A life well-lived is the best revenge.
Boomerette has
9 years ago 5
a half day of work tomorrow. I'll be spending the afternoon at home waiting for the delivery of hubby's new treadmill. (gym)
Boomerette is
9 years ago 4
happy the days are getting longer again. Leaving work in the dark wasn't fun.
9 years ago 2
spent yesterday celebrating both middle kid's 30th birthday and youngest daughter/son-in-law's seventh wedding anniversary. Boy, do I feel old.
Boomerette is
9 years ago
having a quiet Saturday at home. I've got so much to do that I can't figure out what to do first, of course, so I'm watching a movie (Sleepless in Seattle). :-D
Boomerette is
9 years ago 1
looking forward to getting through Friday so I can enjoy the coming weekend.
9 years ago 1
Now that I'm settling back into a normal routine, I need to get caught up on some home improvement. We need a new dishwasher and I want to finish the basement to make a playroom for my grandsons. :-)
Boomerette has
9 years ago 1
just returned from an overnight trip to Vegas where I partied by babysitting my grandsons in a penthouse suite while enjoying room service.
9 years ago 1
Another long weekend - and this time around I'll be going to Vegas to celebrate my middle kid's 30th birthday. Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...into the future... (music)
9 years ago 1
We didn't get snow this time around. Just rain...and lots of strong wind...
9 years ago
We had beautiful weather here today, but more snow is forecast for tomorrow. Sigh...