64Friends 28Fans
female NV, United States
A life well-lived is the best revenge.
9 years ago 1
may not get to the family Christmas Eve dinner this year. We're forecast to have a messy snowstorm that day... :-(
9 years ago 1
survived Monday of this short holiday week. Only 2 1/2 more days until family party time!
9 years ago 2
finished the Christmas shopping, wrapped the last of the presents, did laundry, made dinner, and baked cookies. Oh...and I tried Zumba for the first time. Boy am I tired! ;-)
9 years ago 2
This is the last weekend to finish up gift shopping before Christmas!
9 years ago 1
Still fighting off whatever illness I've had for the past few days. Hubby's also sick - and so are both of our grandsons. :-&
Boomerette is
9 years ago
home on family sick leave today. Hubby has been fighting an ear infection and seems to have a cold/sinus problems, too. Poor guy.
Boomerette has
9 years ago 2
spent a majority of the day indoors enjoying my Christmas decorations due to the howling storm outside. Not a bad way to pass a Sunday with the hubby. :-)
9 years ago 3
babysat the two (5-year-old and 13-month-old) grandsons for about three hours a couple days ago. I've been trying to recuperate ever since.
Boomerette has
9 years ago
finished most of the Christmas shopping and mailed most of the Christmas cards. The house and office at the day job are both decorated. Now I can sit back and enjoy the holidays. :-)
9 years ago 1
The end of another busy weekend. Looking bleary-eyed toward Monday tomorrow...bleh...