Stereo Nacht
144Friends 54Fans
female Second life
Ex-Wulfenbachian Airwoman, still living in the Steamlands; En Garde teacher; community event organizer (time permits); nerdy girl with two brains... What else to say?
Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 9
Games! Wordle 1 278 3/6

Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 1
My ball of thread is getting much smaller; on the other hand, I have more than half done. No news of the small shop where I have ordered extra. Well, small shop; I can't expect automated emails lie Amazon or other big stores. And I completely forgot yesterday's game, so I should do today's right now. I hope you are all having a great day!
Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago
I have to decide quick if I go shopping with mom. I have to go grocery shopping, so that's a strong pull to "yes." Better hurry and get dressed if I want to get to her place in time! Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 5
So, games:Wordle 1 276 3/6

Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 6
I've been sleeping pretty well lately. Nearly 8 hours a night. Oh joy. So I dream. And today's dream was about a dog showing up (not at my current house; not sure which house it was; vague feeling of my previous house, but it wasn't it either). But since I have my cat (I didn't, at my previous house), I didn't want to let it in.
Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 5
Late games! Wordle 1 275 4/6

Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 3
Ah! I haven't plurked yet. More Minecraft this morning, and while I stopped earlier than yesterday, I still didn't get started on crochet when I should have. Still, the third cap is completed, the fourth underway, I hope to have it done tonight. It's still time to go downstairs, start a fire, put on music, and work for hours.
Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 3
Abney Park Christmas show live online. I haven't see one of their online live shows in a little while, but I thought why not? Great background music for crocheting! ;-)
Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago 7
And games, before it's too late: Wordle 1 274 4/6

Stereo Nacht
2 weeks ago
Oops! I may have taken a little too much time playing Minecraft. It's almost evening already. Ah well. I'll try to make a couple of chair caps, and that will be enough. I guess I should do a bit of cleaning too... I'll see. I hope you are all having a great day!