Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
I've been sleeping pretty well lately. Nearly 8 hours a night. Oh joy. So I dream. And today's dream was about a dog showing up (not at my current house; not sure which house it was; vague feeling of my previous house, but it wasn't it either). But since I have my cat (I didn't, at my previous house), I didn't want to let it in.
latest #6
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
Thinking it was an abandoned dog, I started by cleaning it, and found out she was from the next province over. Probably got lost when her owners came to visit for the festival that was going on (which apparently involved some run-and-shoot competition, which is something that wouldn't happen, cause even in my dream, I figured it was super dangerous.)
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
(Even if not shooting real rounds, the chances of missing the target and hitting something or someone were pretty high.) Anyway. After doing the rounds, I found the owners were staying... At my "parent's" house, a couple houses over. Dog reunited with owners, time to get up. :-D
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
And now I am showered, eating a very late breakfast, (so late it's past lunch time), and going to do the web games before it's too late! Have a great day, everyone!
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
Oops. Looks like I need more thread. Pretty sure I am half-way through my ball, and I am not halfway done. I have six little bonnets done, a seventh one started, so that's three chairs out of eight. Well, I managed to find a place who had that specific thread (hopefully) in stock, with a decent shipping charge.
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
I couldn't find it on amazon, and it would have costed over $100 to have two balls shipped to Canada. No thank you. Well, I'll be encouraging a little shop in Ontario.
Stereo Nacht
1 months ago
Seven done. I think I can go to bed. As soon as this anime episode is done! :-D
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