2Friends 4Fans
female Chattanooga, TN, United States
Dreamer says
9 years ago
working on my latest web design project Speedy Little Website - Responsive website designs and local... I welcome thoughts on the overall design and improvements if anyone out there cares to take a peek.
Dreamer loves
9 years ago
"A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business." ~ Henry Ford
Dreamer shares
9 years ago
Promoting Local Businesses.. its what I love! https://www.facebook.com...
Dreamer feels
9 years ago
Kinda blah today... cloudy.. foggy... a lot of work to do and not a lot of energy!
Dreamer shares
9 years ago
this meme.
Dreamer shares
9 years ago
what I do. :-)
Dreamer shares
9 years ago
What makes web design truly great? My latest blog: Web Design | What makes it great? - Speedy Little Website
Dreamer is
9 years ago
happy to be here.