7Friends 5Fans
male Arkansas, United States
3 weeks ago
from when i was creative and was still an innocent super hero befor i turned villioan here is a screen shot from a game i hekped test
3 weeks ago
I will send a couple of chapters off my book to anyone willing to write me a review on the landing page, What you like about it, and constructive critisicm to me
3 weeks ago 5
buy my book its official get me out of this hell hole
3 weeks ago 2
so the guy i was training to give me a sunday off refuses to work sunday nights because he might get killed, wher ei was threatened to get fired if i refused to work every sunday night, which part of that sentence sounds illegal?
3 weeks ago
here is the link to my book ;Brian Bentley Outer Space Adventures
4 weeks ago
got up a bit early to work on job hunting
4 weeks ago
Ever notice that the AI developers are worried about not having enough censorship under the guise of safety, remember back in the 1990s when ever some one wanted to censor something we would put a blue ribbon on our websites or do a blackout protest?