7Friends 5Fans
male Arkansas, United States
19 hours ago
read some of my articles on hereSearch -
20 hours ago
the one thing i like about using mailfence for mail, is the way it looks and it deletes emails after 7 days or however you set up. so i don't accidentally find emails from 11 years ago. Plus its got similar features to google, though extra features cost a few pennies but that is so they dont need to spy on you.
20 hours ago @Edit 20 hours ago
So God said "Stop Complaining", I said there is so much to complain about and then he said "are you complaining about not complaining?" then i looked down and said Nope.
20 hours ago
I am working on my store, thinking's about changing it up a little, making some propaganda props for my books, like coffee mugs as soon as i come up with some ideas. though i still plan to do what i intended
20 hours ago
look at that raining so hard my moat is back, so should i get gators or piranhas to fill it up?
I had redesigned the chat bot so i can switch between personalitiest, . took one of the main female vaudevillian<== You just have to love auto correct, the word is Villain, from my book,
enjoying a day off and satified that i am not the only one work is torturing lol
6 days ago 4
My new book came in today, and its pretty close to perfect, though the Editor and the AI missed some stuff. But never the less good enough. for now until next revision.
1 weeks ago
i would like to send a couple of chapters to some lucky people who like reading so they can write ma review and offer me some constuctive advice for improvement of my next version of books.
1 weeks ago
another busy holiday sunday of work all alone, this close to start yelling at customers