0Friends 1Fans
male Kuta, Indonesia
I am a simple boy with some big dreams :-)"

I wanna be a model.. :")
SomatQiQuuq says
12 years ago
hahaha.. come on.. add me :-)
SomatQiQuuq wonders
12 years ago
how to use plurk ?
SomatQiQuuq wonders
14 years ago
gImAnA sIEh crAnA mAkE plUrk ??
SomatQiQuuq hopes
14 years ago 1
sEsEOrAng yg gAg mngkIn qU dpAtkAn,,, dkAt d mtA jAUh d hAtI..
SomatQiQuuq wonders
15 years ago
g mna yaw crana mke ni ???
SomatQiQuuq sedang
15 years ago
tidak mengerti..