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male San Antonio, TX, United States
Soken provides quality boys, girls and teens mesh clothing. Unique, original outfits, accessories, toys, skins, bedsets and furniture at affordable prices. Visit us to join our free contests, slap MM boards, and collect our exclusive free gifts.
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago

Sunstrider Valley School - November Renovation!
Second Life Maps | Didake Higashi
SokenKidsMesh is
10 years ago 9
Read Below...
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago 2
And dont forget the Toddleedoo Nerdy Pop Band too!

SokenKidsMesh says
10 years ago
You've got to hear the Kokoro Sanctuary Rockers!!!

SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago

We have a new neighbor! Welcome to the Kid Grid, beloved Woodland Treasures gatcha event. Their sim is now next to Didake Etsuko, our toddleedoo sim.
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago

Coming to Woodland Gatcha from Soken! 100% Mesh High Simulation GO Karts!
Second Life Maps | Goober Town
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago 1

ATLT and Woodland gatchas for August ^_^
Second Life Maps | Didake Etsuko
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago

I'm barely getting a hang of this whole gatcha deal. It is surprisingly quite addicting LOL. Here's what I made for Woodland and ATLT - 50Ls only!
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago

Space Jammin' over here <3
SokenKidsMesh shares
10 years ago

At our very own full sim Didake Zoo at the Kid Grid.