got sit?
1Friends 0Fans
male Monroe, WA, United States
got sit? loves
12 years ago
Happy, obedient dogs!
got sit? says
13 years ago
Do you really know what’s in your pet’s food?
got sit? says
13 years ago
Thanksgiving Pet Safety
got sit? says
13 years ago
Tony Lampert and his Belgian Malinois, Baxter, from St. Louis, Missouri on the Late Show 10/6/11.
got sit? says
13 years ago
Come see us this weekend at the Everett Fall Home & Gift
got sit? says
13 years ago
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got sit? says
13 years ago
How important is it to vaccinate my dog? CLICK HERE
got sit? says
13 years ago
"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semihuman. The point of it is to open oneself to the po
got sit? says
13 years ago
"A dog's abilities are usually only limited by their human owners" - Unknown
got sit? says
13 years ago
'Chasing your tail gets you nowhere ... except back to where you started"