今天有人跟我說: "你看起來不像是只喝紅酒的啊?!?!" ㄜ我的reputation...
在台北就是可以過著跟朋友大吃麻辣鴨血, 笑到臉超痛的生活
Starting my internship tomorrow! Good thing I got spicy hot pot out of my system already. Key to success.
"Get out of here and move forward. This never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened." -- Mad Men wisdom
為什麼大家都說我很外向... 我明明就很喜歡一個人躲起來啊
Sometimes I find that if I'm faced with a lot of problems that are related, I just need to solve one of them. The rest fall like dominoes.
今天晚上要吃久違的雞匠了! 我期待到快要爆炸了! Going to my FAVORITE restaurant tonight! It's been almost a year since we (me and the restaurant) saw each other!
這時候就很適合說: 有朋自遠方來 不亦樂乎 (但我就是那朋友) XD
If your life was made into a DVD, what would your deleted scenes look like?
Maybe if I think of all this as an added bonus, I'll feel better. Need to stop over-caring.