4Friends 17Fans
female Warren, OH, United States
I'm short, sarcastic, and sassy. I bite my hair and my right foot tingles everytime I pee. I eat my cereal in a coffee cup with orange juice.I'm a silly mess. I'll confuse you,make you laugh and probably scare you away.
12 years ago
But since your head's in the clouds the best advice I found is don't look down.
12 years ago
There isn't a man on this planet that is worth stressing over. PERIOD.
12 years ago
Never lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you.
12 years ago
I'm pretty sure my Cassafrass fell asleep waiting on me to get home. Guess we'll have to cuddle by the fireplace tomorrow night instead.
KC* says
12 years ago
a girl with a future, ignores a guy with a past.
12 years ago
I didn't give up because I didn't care about you. I gave up because you didn't care about me in return.
12 years ago
I may be strong & act like I don't care but the truth is I'm still a person with feelings and a heart that can break.
12 years ago
I'm done holding grudges. They only hold me back from moving on with my life so to everyone who has hurt me: I forgive you.
12 years ago
Stupid glow-y eyes, ex-boyfriends that stand up for each other & talks about "feelings" (for one said ex)...Ugh, I hate guys. You all suck.
12 years ago
Surgery pre-testing "/