9Friends 3Fans
female Rossland, BC, Canada
Family member of JigmeDatse. Primary person is JigmeDatse's mother.

I think I'm rather cute, but hey, who knows, I could be mistaken.
Tazzy thinks
7 years ago 3
that humans need to learn better how to nap...
7 years ago
This movie is about Joulupukilla. Perhaps should save it to watch with Dad, and maybe Karen?
Tazzy hopes
7 years ago
human sleeps well. So hard to get a good night's sleep if human isn't sleeping. Got to keep ever vigilant.
7 years ago
Tazzy got a bone for Christmas. This is really good for her. Though there is a lot of acoustic testing of said bone, which is disturbing several of the two legs.
Tazzy says
7 years ago 6
woof... Apparently I shouldn't have given my account to Tazzy, and should just use it myself (Shasta). I don't know. JigmeDatse has gone out 3 times with Tazzy, today, and so far not found it safe to walk more than a short distance. :-(
Tazzy thinks
7 years ago
human should go to bed. Do a bit of reading. See how that thing goes...
Tazzy thinks
7 years ago 3
Plurk is being not nice at all!!!!! has been having her Plurks not showing up on other timelines quite often...
Tazzy says
7 years ago 3
arrroughh... There's a lot of snow here... Arrroough!!!!
7 years ago
got left home alone and had no idea when anyone would be back, so had to eat the kefir lid, and an apple (well didn't eat it, just stole it).
7 years ago 9
wanted to tell you about how mean JigmeDatse was the other day. They put two treats under my upside down food bowl, and tried to get me to get them out all by myself. I needed help in the end...