49Friends 82Fans
male Virginia Beach, VA, United States
I'm a 26-year-old professional. I'm a really nice guy, and although I might seem a bit shy at first, that's only until you get to know me. Then I'm just ugly. Ha! That was a little joke. As you can see, I also have an excellent sense of humor.
Screwdini says
13 years ago
DishNetwork has the best customer service. Took me only 10min to solve my problem.
13 years ago
Just received a google+ invite but damn google closed their signup for now. I m pissed.
13 years ago
Bought Crysis 2 yesterday. Someone wants to sell L.A Noire for $30. Should I get it?
13 years ago
Looking for a google+ invite. Please send me an invite if u have one. Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Finished "Heavy Rain" for ps3 today. Really good game. Paid only $15 for it.
13 years ago
Getting ready to watch " Hangover II ". Few people in the theater.
13 years ago
At movie theater about to watch "Pirates 3D".
13 years ago
Waiting in line at the apple store.
13 years ago
Tomorrow I will be waiting in line for iPad 2. Very excited.
14 years ago
iPad 2 or Canon G12? Hard choice for me lol