3Friends 0Fans
female Calgary, AB, Canada
Physics keeps me up at night.
Geometry makes my days both easier and more difficult.
I am neither a physicist nor a mathematician.
I have mad carpentry skills, though!
13 years ago 2
Today's most useful tools in the woodshop were a clothes iron and an ice chipper. Who says innovation is dead?
13 years ago 4
If the rain keeps up like this I may need an ark to get home. Fortunately I have lots of wood. What the fuck is a cubit?
13 years ago 4
Off to be zombified! Braaaaaains
13 years ago 4
That's great it starts with an earthquake, birds snakes an aeroplane. Lenny Bruce is not afraid.
SchrodingersBrat shares
13 years ago 1
https://images.plurk.com/c55774b34b9ebbe270e2bc42e05e5d97.jpg Maybe I can cook, afterall!
13 years ago 1
Out to look at some open houses.
13 years ago 1
Washing Machine update: Did as my Aunt suggested ("Grow a pair" ) and fixed it myself. WOOT!
13 years ago 7
Also, my cat - Captain Jack - is a terrified reluctant super hero. It's true!
13 years ago 1
On my way home to vote. By tomorrow AM I will either have a new gov't or the same stupid old one. C'mon Youth Vote! Do us proud
13 years ago 6
Ok. Officially not funny anymore. 20cms of snow today? I hate this country :-P