3Friends 33Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
Sassmo loves
16 years ago
DJ Frane... New album, Journey to the Planet of the Birds sounds good so far:
Sassmo wonders
16 years ago
why a couple dozen people just became my fans on Plurk...
Sassmo shares
16 years ago 4
UH to Maui Can You Make It? These are good friends of mine from Hawaii. Their only currency for the trip from UH to Maui was Red Bull.
Sassmo thinks
16 years ago
it's wonderful that even Michelle Malkin thinks John McCain's plan is a "crap-sandwich"...
16 years ago
I kissed a girl last night... and I liked it. :-D Hopefully I'll see her again later this week.
Sassmo has
16 years ago
voted for Obama/Biden in kitkat's mini election
16 years ago
still can't believe his conservative, rural-living Mom called him last night to say she's voting Obama.
16 years ago
Yay! My mom (who lives out in the country and works for a Western Outfitter) called to say she's voting Obama after watching the debate.
16 years ago
It's 7:15am. I can't believe I'm awake...