Saria Bayn
18Friends 5Fans
Me is two years ode! Me name is saria and umm me wub being wif me fwiends and famwy and climbing stuff and going to pweschool. Me best fwiend and wifey is four and me kitty is Lina. And I just wuv hanging out and giggling and having fun wif oder kids
Saria Bayn shares
12 years ago 2
nini for me plurk waves wuv you
Saria Bayn shares
12 years ago
Story time at nana's house wif cuzzies and sissies yaay!!
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago
omg why does the exodus viewer crash every 30 minutes. screams
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago
Yaay I found my plurk account. Wooohoo!
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago 6
i'm gonna kill saria. alts don't work especially when everyone knows who you are. sorry mommy and daddy you're stuck with busy amy. love you
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago 3
Being a kid isn't working for me much, kids don't like me. so I think gonna focus on amy's business and being a mommy. Kids love me then :-)
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago 3
night night plur. sleep tight hugs
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago 4
Another fun filled day at the dr's office wif mommy and daddy hehe. Was fun. And me goed 50L shopping after dey goed asleep yaay!
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago
yaay anoder dr's appt for da baby in mommy's belly. But I fink dats if her can stop cwashing O.o
Saria Bayn says
12 years ago 2
Now me just wide awake reading through all da plurks lol. spanks my hand bad me hehe. ok i going for reals now, night night evwyone. hugs