Man I'm sick of all the negative campaign ads on.
Hey! I got some GLEE to watch this morning!
This morning stuff and me are not getting along today.
Question from a fellow SL friend... do you happen to know where in SL I could find nipples on a tattoo layer?
The Green Prince rides again! (Liz's car). Liz and Sophia are coming to hang for a bit while the kids are in school.
The biggest nastiest spider just crawled under my desk and now I can't find it.
Ke$ha sounds like really bad karaoke. It's just awful.
What can I make with a box of cool old 50's photos of people not related to me I got at an auction? To cool to just trash.
I really like Scott Pilgrim vs the world. It was different and funny.
Are there any good totally free clip art and photo sites? Everything I'm finding is really limited.