54Friends 43Fans
female Minneapolis, MN, United States
15 years ago 6
Record wind chill for the current cold snap here in Minneapolis? -48 below zero. *BRR!!* Plus, the power went out this am…
15 years ago 1
Heading out to see friends, one of them is moving to North Carolina. Later going to see another friend in Miscast 2 in St. Paul.
15 years ago 7
I just lost my job this morning: corporate cutbacks :-((
15 years ago 11
Freezing your car battery overnight=not recommended. Service guy said to let the car run for hours now. Joy.
15 years ago 7
Weird day. Everyone at work quit smoking/stopped eating chocolate cold turkey so they're all in a bad mood. I wish I'd had ONE more day off.
16 years ago 3
What a crazy week! My work counterpart is on vacay so I have to do all his work, too.
16 years ago 1
Students were great in bellydance class this afternoon. Just finishing last Christmas cards and catching up with family by phone tonight.
16 years ago 4
Seeing Dave for lunch after he returns from the Tweetup in St. Paul
16 years ago 5
Surprise trip to visit suddenly ailing Grandma now scheduled, working extra so I can get things done in time to leave town Thursday.
SarahJL says
16 years ago 5
Finally got my Plurk problem figured out and can start Plurking again!