2Friends 2Fans
male Manila, Philippines
dedicated lover!
15 years ago
How can we reach destination if we don't have visibility of what direction to take? thanks Gary for "Lead me Lord" great song!
15 years ago
just had a thought,sometimes we ask God for a destination instead of direction.
15 years ago
“Do not ask the Lord to guide your steps if you are not willing to move your feet” quoted from friend's email
15 years ago
it's not always like it's in the books
15 years ago
beautiful morning! a good start to begin february
15 years ago
be careful when judging people, you might not define them but yourself
15 years ago
if GOD causes everything to work out to have happy ending on earth then why we are told to pray,Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven
SMaranatha is
15 years ago
having chances of promotion and losing the language premium...totally puzzled!
SMaranatha is
15 years ago
listening to "tak ada yg bisa - andra and the backbone"
SMaranatha says
15 years ago
"life is like riding a bicycle, to stay steady and balanced, you have to keep moving!"