Rowan McSneezy
75Friends 158Fans
female TX, United States
Passions: writing, card making, procrastinating...but I'll do that later.
TV shows I love and try not to miss: Big Bang Theory, Person of Interest, Sleepy Hollow and Castle.
Favorite TV on DVD: War of the Worlds (Season 1), Stargate SG-1, Buffy,
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 1
adorableness overload
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 6
no internet for me except through my phone!! Man, I wish we had more options out here in the country
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 8
man Mixxed Fit kicked my booty today. Came home, showered, ate and took an Aleve PM. It's starting to kick in.
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 1
haven't had much to plurk about this week. tomorrow is Friday already. Yay! And next week I'll be boss free pretty much all week (banana_cool)
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 5
in Season 4 of Supernatural. Ah, Castiel is a cutie. :-))
Rowan McSneezy says
7 years ago 9
the kids (niece, nephew and great niece) are on their way here...they'll be here around 3 in the morning. (:
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 5
good night all
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 3
was seriously dragging ass today. so much so that I had to resort to buying a cuppa Joe at 7-11. Spent last night and this morning waking up to make sure elderly friend of family was all right. She has Alzheimer's and didn't know where she was or who I was.
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 4
woke up around 3 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep
Rowan McSneezy
7 years ago 3
I am supervisor free until next Tuesday!!!