Rose Starfire
68Friends 14Fans
female Gaithersburg, MD, United States
Rose Starfire
8 years ago 3
Looking through all the sims so far and so far none of them looking enticing from what I can see. I really wish I had the money to buy a sim or get together with someone willing to fund me starting my own RP sim. I miss RP but I wanna be able to RP my way without SOOOO many damn rules x.x I know rules are a good thing but like, sometimes there's just a
Rose Starfire
8 years ago 10
I need help and I'm hoping people can help me. I need a place to RP in SL. I've come to a fork in the road and it's either RP or continue to work on my store. Considering my store hasn't sold anything in MONTHS (8+), I'm giving up on the store so that leaves me with RP.
Rose Starfire
8 years ago 1
OMG I'm dying here.

Barcah: Can I have some sugar
Jonathan: No
Barcah: I wasn't asking you. I was asking the one that's really in charge
Rose Starfire
8 years ago
Yay welcome AnderianSugarplum to my wonderful list of friends! ^_^; New friends always nice.
Rose Starfire
8 years ago 6
If anyone is interested, my boyfriend is playing Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies and is streaming his session. Angelsfirebynight - Twitch
Rose Starfire
8 years ago
Not doing well health wise.
Rose Starfire
8 years ago
Rose Starfire
8 years ago
I swear some of the conversations I find myself in are just wow.... but they are pure gold and I'm dying of laughter at how ridiculous my friend sounds right now.
Rose Starfire
8 years ago
So yay what a way to start off the end of January. Went to the ER due to EXTREME pain and now waiting on a police offer to show up because I'm sick and tired of someone stealing our fucking mail.
Rose Starfire
8 years ago 4
Ended up in ER last night. Was not a fun night. :-( I have an appointment to see back Surgeon February 10th