Rose Starfire
68Friends 14Fans
female Gaithersburg, MD, United States
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Wish you all the best. If you want to keep in contact with me feel free to add me to Skype. (frostyvioletrage) I'm done wasting time on a site that seems pointless now. I've quit creating in sl so there's no point keeping a social media that I was told would be good for businesses in SL. That was a lie. Best of luck and will miss the friends I've made here.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
So it's official. Not having any luck. My computer is dead. Don't know what happened bit it won't do anything now. it turns on says it's trying to repair and fails to repair. We have tried everything everything and even our tech friend can't get it to work. FML
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Well I suck lol but having fun playing.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Doing some streaming just to kinda pass the time. Doing some Call of Duty Black Ops III Zombies RoseStarfire - Twitch
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Computer still not working well and depression is only getting worse. :-(
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Binge watching Black Butler
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Have any of you ever been part of a website and then that website goes down because of a dispute between the partners and then start getting e-mails years later stating that you have mail on said website?
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
I just realized something. I've been in SL almost 10 years. I first started as Saru Slade in November 2007.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
Boyfriend is streaming Crysis 2 if anyone is bored.
Rose Starfire
7 years ago
I'm bored and added a few more things. Ideas? Tips? soon as I'm able too, I wanna start making and selling