:]Ronnie XP
12Friends 5Fans
female Singapore
LOVES YILING, JING XIAN, SHI JIA, SIEW YING FOREVA!!! i am a normal girl... havent 13 yet... having a damn bored life, hates school-work and school!!! loves blogging, plurking, msn-ing and watching anime!!!

:]Ronnie XP is
15 years ago 11
having fun disturbing cousin:-D
:]Ronnie XP says
15 years ago 2
thanks lot YILING!!!
:]Ronnie XP wants
15 years ago
her karma to rise as fast as possible :-D
:]Ronnie XP says
15 years ago
she can't plurk so mus have mummy to help her plurk =p
:]Ronnie XP says
15 years ago
tht jingxian and shijia's karma is so high! @@
:]Ronnie XP says
15 years ago
tht she cant online this few days. so i will be helping her to plurk :-D
:]Ronnie XP says
15 years ago
tht she will stay back at school till 3pm to teach her friends science.
:]Ronnie XP wishes
15 years ago
tht her karma would rise asap! ><
:]Ronnie XP
15 years ago
mummy's is helping her to earn some karma so tht her karma will rise :-D
:]Ronnie XP is
15 years ago
sleeping soundly wakakaas!