132Friends 65Fans
male Brooklyn/125/182/503, Second life
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Owner of Diesel Works

Rogan Diesel
Second Life Marketplace - Diesel Works Poses & Animations by ...
8 years ago 7
I wanna bid on someone in this blithe auction because I think they're hilarious. But, I don't know the person at all. Probably a weird thing to do to bid on someone like that.
8 years ago 9
Can someone help me with the mesh body problem? I am unable to get the hands right. There's a gap between the body and the hands. https://i.gyazo.com/b324d35617a0808c84fcc34403194646.png
8 years ago 13
Who is voting for Trump but is really ashamed to admit it in public because it'snot the cool thing to do?
8 years ago
TURN is a really cool series. Being a history buff helps.
8 years ago 13
so who is voting for Trump? Don't be shy. I'm just curious as a spectator from another continent.
R.Diesel needs
8 years ago 28
to find an sl girlfriend.
R.Diesel says
8 years ago
BRONCOS & PEYTON!!! (dance)
R.Diesel shares
9 years ago 9
fixed up the av
9 years ago 4
My av is so outdated.
9 years ago 1
For a change, the production quality of an epic based bollywood movie looks decent and a bit GOT-esque. It is a sound dubbed hindi version from a South Indian movie though. Baahubali - India's Biggest Motion Picture | SS Raja...