8 years ago
Can someone help me with the mesh body problem? I am unable to get the hands right. There's a gap between the body and the hands. https://i.gyazo.com/b324d35617a0808c84fcc34403194646.png
latest #9
8 years ago
Trying on the slink mesh body, first mesh body ever for me. So it feels like rocket science
first you need the right wrist size. In the Hands HUD should be either a "Physique" button for the size or the whole standard size thing, not sure which one is the right one for guys, but for girls it is XS
just try them
and then there is a notecard with the slider numbers you need to make them fit, like a fitting notecard
8 years ago
are you naked?
8 years ago
8 years ago
yes it's a nightmare for me... I guess you all are used to this by now, I've never used one before (sick)
8 years ago
thanks chandnikhondji , trying that
8 years ago
I was using the hands from 2013, just updated it (unsure)
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