9Friends 1Fans
female Kolaka, Indonesia
I am not kind of talk-active person (sometimes).
I like to be quite.
but it doesn't mean that I am a closed-minded person.
RismaPrastyani says
11 years ago
wiiiihiiiii.... I am baaaaaaaaaaaccckkkk (LOL)
RismaPrastyani says
11 years ago
whoaahhh... finally I am back... :-))
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
I am totally not fine.... (sick)
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
it!... (angry)
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
I am me!.... I am not her, I am not him, I am not them, I am not you, I am just me.... =.="
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
What should I write here???
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
it's time for my evil plan..... mwahahahha.... evil laugh
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
now is at 1:37 a.m...
whooah,,, and I am still fully awake... :-o
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
muahahaha.. ikann cupang.... :-D
RismaPrastyani says
12 years ago
it's raining.... yayy... :-D