Tenth Doctor
34Friends 0Fans
male Alma, GA, United States
I like stuff and things and role playing.
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 3
Back from hiatus at long last. Now to get back into the tagging flow.
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 22
Ten's wish came true. He's getting a TARDIS.
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 27
Guess what Ten wished for.
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 6
Been a while since I've been here. Who wants to plot for November?
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 3
(music)This is the second time I've heard "Don't Look Back in Anger" while having a drink. (drinking)
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago
I know I should get to tags but I just want to do this.
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago
[RP] Any game recommendations?
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 7
Who wants to plot with me for the event?
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 7
[ICC] Real Madrid vs. Chelsea. Who the hell do I root for?
Tenth Doctor
8 years ago 29
Dear friends and family. Around late October, I will abscond with myself to Tampa. You will understand why.