34Friends 23Fans
female The Garden, WA, United States
I caught sight of my reflection
I caught it in the window
I saw the darkness in my heart
I saw the signs of my undoing
They had been there from the start

Peter Gabriel & Sinead OConnor - Blood Of Eden
Ravenelle shares
12 years ago 2
a friend sent this link to me, ohhh I love this place..look! sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hph...
Ravenelle says
12 years ago
we are gathering at Art's house and just chatting/sharing.You can drop in too if you like. maps.secondlife.com/seco...
Ravenelle says
12 years ago 2
if you were going to get a new or somewhat new car, what would you get?
Ravenelle shares
12 years ago 2
Image from snapzilla www.sluniverse.com/snaps... Yahoo! I have a list of spots to stop in today
Ravenelle says
12 years ago 4
let's all celebrate the creative works of nessuno myoo...AND good morning community.secondlife.com...
Ravenelle wonders
12 years ago 13
any Plurk etiquette I should know about?
Ravenelle is
12 years ago 21
looking at how people use Plurk.