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male Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
RakiSama says
13 years ago
yes! I resisted the temptation
RakiSama says
13 years ago
what is this desire that makes one to write shipping fic?
RakiSama says
13 years ago
I refuse to watch the leak episode, but temptation is also too great to ignore. Let see how long can I last
RakiSama says
13 years ago
pfff... a few months ago, I tot 16GB of RAM was enough for me but now, its a norm and no longer a big number to me
RakiSama says
13 years ago
Wait... So... is InuXBoku SS going to have a different ED at every episode?
RakiSama says
13 years ago
Is this a spin off of Aperture Science Innovators? or Has Apeture got itself a new rival? Equestrian Innovations: All Science Leads To PoniesEquestrian Innovations: All Science Leads To Ponies
RakiSama says
13 years ago
The travelling has been doubled!!! Last week from KK->KL->Kampar, today the opposite and next week, same as last week
RakiSama says
13 years ago
You know there's something wrong when almost a whole winter11/12 anime series can't cure my temporary depression but Winter Wrap Up can
RakiSama says
13 years ago
It just 3 weeks since my PC was last turn on and the amount of updates is crazy
RakiSama says
13 years ago
My flight from KKIA to KL LCCT might have departed 10min ahead of schedule but we end up arriving 10min late from original time