5Friends 0Fans
male Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
RakiSama says
12 years ago
Dumb bitch that cant google when asked to and yet expects help
RakiSama says
12 years ago
I miss my main rig. even though, I'm only 2 weeks away from it.
RakiSama says
12 years ago
I type with a keyboard that has blank keycaps yet I don't type the correct way using all of my fingers. zzz... bad habit and hard to change
RakiSama says
12 years ago
Achievement unlock! Reach the top250 uploaders in BakaBT
RakiSama says
12 years ago
MUET result is out and I'm only band 4 >.< Damn that my writing test suck so much or else band 5 wouldn't be a problem. So close yet so far
RakiSama says
12 years ago
Backup-ing, Downloading and Wiping my Galaxy Nexus in preparing for AOKP milestone 5 with Android ICS 4.04
12 years ago
I don't why but when things happen around me, it happens all at once
RakiSama says
12 years ago
I can't believe I have to say this but I starting to very hate Messenger Plus.
RakiSama says
12 years ago
Now I just want to go to a IMAX theater to watch the Avengers. rotfl~~
RakiSama says
12 years ago
dafuq is this? why do ppl obfuscate code in a still in development program?