115Friends 87Fans
female Sto. Tomas, Philippines
I'm a SAHM who enjoys sharing everyday slices of life through blogging. Please visit my blog: Heart of Rachel mysoulfulthoughts.blogspot.com/
RachelY says
7 years ago 2
how are my fellow plurkers? Still there?
RachelY says
12 years ago 4
It's raining again. We wanted to go on a road trip but it didn't push through. It's a blessing after all ... considering the bad weather.
RachelY says
12 years ago 1
good afternoon. I'm off to pick up my new toy. See you later. (wave)
RachelY says
12 years ago 1
Happy Birthday blingsocks!!!
RachelY says
12 years ago 5
I spoke too soon. It's beginning to rain.
RachelY shares
12 years ago 6
my article about going back to school:
How to physically and mentally prepare your child for school
RachelY says
12 years ago 2
raining elsewhere except here
RachelY shares
12 years ago
Journey of a cat ... Kwentong Meow - my article about cats written in Filipino
RachelY says
12 years ago 6
good morning! sun seems to be hiding behind the clouds.
RachelY shares
12 years ago 3
Is your child ready for the new school year?