45Friends 16Fans
female Beaverton, OR, United States
I'm an RN in the ER. I love knitting, reading, spinning, playing the piano and gaming (console and pc). Often one of those things takes over the others for a while, but eventually they all get their turn.
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago 3
RIP Nora Ephron.
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
going to 4 concerts in 4 days the end of this month. Can't wait!!
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
maybe all the RN's already know about this website, but if not you should Definitely check it out! #WHATSHOULDWECALLNURSING
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
Happy Starwars Anniversary day everyone! :-)
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
Just booked tickets for jococruisecrazy.com/ Hurrah for cruisin' with geeks. :-)
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
watching Eddie Izzard: Dressed to Kill on netflixs was just what I needed tonight after 2 supremely stressful days at work. so funny!
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago 2
yeah for sunny weather and b-b-q's outside :-)
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago 3
just wants to enjoy the back yard. Why do I have to live next to the McScreamersons?
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
wow! What a beautiful day we're having here. Sunshine..who knew it was so great?!
RNGirlknits says
12 years ago
Not sure I know how to handle waking up to sunshine two mornings in a row. :-)