stupid bangladesh. Sleep on my shoulder.
watching malaysia channel now. I love malaysia. Love their cantonese plus malay plus chinese, advertisement.
shit! When i say shit, i really mean shit. While enjoying people grinding and leaning on me in train, i feel like shit-ing. Lol.
-de man beside me in train hor, his nostrile hair is so thick and it is so obvious that i cannot look at it. Or else i surely puke.
What de fuck is wrong with khatib?! I'm stuck in a bus filled with indians! Fuck. My nose is gonna drop off.
>.< y friends all reply the same?\"as usual\". When i tell them that i'm late for school. Lol. Omg.
At eski bar now. Zero degree! Woo! Cool your ass. It's freezing!
i prayed to Jesus while i went for tooth extraction just now. Jesus saved my life again. Praise the Lord.
i'm so happy! It've been more than half a year since anyone check my ic when i go club or buy cig.